Unable to Connect to Custom Node
- Verify the URL you entered is correct.
- Verify the port you entered is correct.
- Verify that if you are connecting to an http:// node you are running MyEtherWallet locally (NOT over https://).
- Verify you are is running with:
geth --rpc --rpccorsdomain "null" --keystore "dont_put_secret_files_here_ever"
- parity is running with
parity --rpccorsdomain "*" --keys-path "dont_put_secret_files_here_ever"
- Verify your node is actually up and running.
- Try removing the node and adding it again.
- Try changing the node in the top-right corner to ETH (Etherscan.io) or ETH (Infurio.io).
- Try using Google Chrome, or a different browser.
- Ensure you do not have a firewall or something else that may be blocking the connection.