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How do I interact with a Multisig Contract?

Getting Started

  1. Go to the Contract tab on

  2. There should be a Mist Multisig Contract ABI in the dropdown. If not, you can manually use the ABI at the bottom of this page.

Do the Stuff

  1. First, enter YOUR Contract Address in the Contract Address field at the top.
  2. Second, you want to EXECUTE.
    1. Select executefrom the dropdown.
    2. Enter the address you want to send to in the _tofield.
    3. Enter the amount you want to send in the _valuefield.
    4. Leave the data field empty.
    5. It is recommended that you test with a small amount first!
    6. Unlock the owners address and click WRITE button.
    7. A pop up will appear. Leave Amount to Send as 0.
    8. Click the Generate Transaction button & confirm & send.
  3. Click the Transaction ID that outputs with the success message. Copy this ID.
  4. If it's a multisig with TWO owners, you will need to refresh that page and choose CONFIRM this time.
    1. In step 3, you opened the TX ID from the EXECUTEcall. You should have a page like this open:
    2. Click the Event Logstab.
    3. On the above link ( - not YOUR link), the _h field would be 9228aeaf3ed560274899483646ea4ce9b322bccffac60cac2d035d08752617f4
    4. Look at the above link and see where it says 9228a..... Look at your link and see what YOUR _h is. Copy it.
    5. Go back to MyEtherWallet where you have the CONFIRM open and paste that hash into the _h field.
    6. Click the "WRITE" button again and unlock the second owner's account.
    7. Generate & send the transaction.
  5. Make sure everything went as intended.
  6. IF your multisig is a 3 of 5 multisig, you will repeat the confirm process for each owner until it reaches the necessary approvals. Luckily, the _hvalue is the same for each of them.
  7. See another approval for my previous example here:
  8. You can then repeat this process whenever you want to send ETH.

Mist / Ethereum Wallet's Multisig Contract ABI


You can also copy the above from here:*

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