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Setting the resolver for an ENS name

Set the Resolver for your Name

  1. Go to the contracts tab.
  2. Choose ENS - Registry: 0x314159265dD8dbb310642f98f50C066173C1259b. Click "Access".
  3. Select setResolver.
  4. Find you name on and copy the namehash.
  5. Enter the namehash of your name under node (bytes32).
  6. Enter the Public Resolver Address under resolver (address): 0x5FfC014343cd971B7eb70732021E26C35B744cc4
  7. Unlock the owner's account. 8, Click WRITE.
  8. Generate and send this transaction – leave "Amount to Send" as 0
  9. TX should look like this.

Set the Address That your Name will Resolve To

  1. Go to the contracts tab.
  2. Choose ENS-Public Resolver: 0x5FfC014343cd971B7eb70732021E26C35B744cc4. Click "Access".
  3. Select setAddr.
  4. Find you name on and copy the namehash.
  5. Enter the Namehash of your name under "node (bytes32)".node (bytes32):
  6. Enter the Address you would like to resolve to under addr (address)
  7. Unlock the owner's account.
  8. Click WRITE.
  9. Generate and send this transaction – leave "Amount to Send" as 0
  10. TX should look like this.

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