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Changing the ENS owner or transferring an ENS Name

Transferring a Domain (Best Practice)

  1. Search for your domain on
  2. Copy the Label Hash.
  3. Go to the Contracts page and select ENS - Eth Registrar (Auction) 0x6090a6e47849629b7245dfa1ca21d94cd15878ef from the dropdown menu.
  4. Optional but recommended: set a lower gas price (like 1 GWEI) via the slider in the header to save on fees.
  5. Access and choose the transfer call.
  6. Paste the LabelHash from into the _hash field.
  7. Paste the address of the new owner in the newOwner field.
  8. Unlock your wallet and send.

Only setting Owner

WARNING: If you only change the owner, the deed owner can get the name back.

  1. Search for your domain on
  2. Copy the NameHash.
  3. Go to the Contracts page and select "ENS Registry" (0x314159265dD8dbb310642f98f50C066173C1259b) from the dropdown menu.
  4. Optional but recommended: set your preferred gas price via the slider in the footer.
  5. Access and choose the setOwner call. Paste the NameHash (not LabelHash) from into the node field.
  6. Paste the address of the new owner in owner.
  7. Unlock your wallet and rock and roll.

(Thanks goes to /u/feauxley)

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